We met over zoom during the pandemic in the fall of 2021 to plan their special day on August 20, 2022! They were excited to finally have their wedding and celebrate with all their close friends and family. 120 guests attend to celebrate the Shapiro and Schoenhofer wedding at Artifact Events, in Chicago’s Ravenswood neighborhood. It was elegant, classy and well thought out and beautifully planned just like Rachel and Mark. They were such a lovely couple to capture and even the weather held out for peak times during their day as we drove around the city and photographed the wedding party. The two said their vows and celebrated the night away with dinner, dancing and cake! Mazel Tov and congratulations to you both may your lives be filled with endless smiles!
Thank you to all the vendors who helped plan this amazing day!
Consultant, Liven It Up Events, Kim Weinberg livenitup.com
Photographer, Naomi Epstein Photography, naomiepsteinphotography.com
Hair Stylist, Wild Rose Hair Artistry, Hannah Kern, wildrosehairartistry.com
Make-Up Artist, Blush and Braids Beauty Bar, Sarah Whitson, blushandbraidsbeautybar.com
Florist, Juliet Tan Floral Design, Juliet Tan juliettanfloraldesign.com
Catering, Butter + Vine, Sue Waarich butterandvine.com
Cake, Kleins Bakery Cafe, kleinsbakerycafe.com
Music, Blue Water Kings, Jessica Moran, bluewaterkingsband.com
Transportation, Sunny’s Worldwide, Abbey Cannon, sunnylimo.com